
Welcome to the Village of South Corning website.

The Village of South Corning is located in Steuben County, New York, and is within the Town of Corning. The Village is south of the City of Corning, with the Chemung River to the east.

General Information

Village Board Meetings are held on the second Monday of each month, at 6:30pm, at the Village Hall located at 7 Clark St., Corning. Note:  A Monday falling on an observed holiday will result in the meeting being held on a modified date. Please see Upcoming Events, to the right, for dates and times.

Zoning Board Meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month, as needed. Meetings are held at 4:30pm at the Village Hall, located at 7 Clark St., Corning. For additional information, please click on the Zoning Board of Appeals tab.

Water & Sewer Bills for July have been mailed Water and Sewer payments may be left in the drop box, mailed in, or paid in person.  (The drop box is located on the front side of the building, facing Clark St.) We accept cash, check or money order.  To avoid late fees, payments must be either postmarked by July 22nd, 2024, or must be left in the drop box BEFORE 8:00am on July 23, 2024. Please call 607 936-3642, if you have questions about your bill or payment. Thank you.

July 2, 2024 – Have you received your Water/Sewer bill? The Village mailed water/sewer bills on June 28th. If you have not got your bill by now, PLEASE call the Village at (607) 936-3642 and let us know. If we are not in, please leave a message. We will send you another. Note: to avoid the late fee, payments are due by July 22nd, 2024. Thank you.

Quarterly Water/Sewer Billing Schedule: July 1, October 1, January 1 & April 1

Seasonal Parking Reminder

There is a Local Law prohibiting parking on Village Streets from November 1st thru March 1st. This is to insure that the Village Highway Department can keep streets clear of snow and ice. Although the Village is not responsible for any damage that might occur to any vehicle that is in violation of the ordinance, we make every effort to avoid damage to all property.

Enforcement of this law is as follows:
First Violation – Notice of Violation left on vehicle
Second Violation – Police notified and ticket issued
Third Violation – Vehicle may be towed at owner’s expense
We are sure you will help in this matter.